Lesson 6
Now that you have got your product to market, it's time to learn how to market it. The first method that I am going to share is called "Article Marketing". This means that you are going to promote your product in the article which you are going to write yourself.
One of the easiest ways to do it is to refer to sample articles. You can easily search for an article that is related to your product at http://ezinearticles.com/. Learn to write your article, don't worry too much about grammar and spelling. Just use your spell check when you finished your article.
Once you are done, sign up for a free account at http://ezinearticles.com/ and submit your article. Isn't this simple?
You can submit your article at more directories, such as http://www.articlesbase.com/, http://www.articledashboard.com/, etc.
The purpose of writing your article is to promote your product. Therefore, you should put a website link in your article to bring potential customers to view your product.
You can now decide whether the website link is going to be your affiliate link (it is recommended to mask your affiliate link; please read the editorial guidelines of ezinearticles here http://ezinearticles.com/editorial-guidelines.html) or the link to your squeeze page. A squeeze page is a page that promotes your product and attracts potential customers to leave their email addresses for you. This is one of the most valuable resource that you can have as you can always email them again in future to talk about your products.
We will be talking more about creating a squeeze page in future lessons.